Simple Antique Repair FL Composition And Bisque Doll Collectors Handle Themselves

By Anna Clark

Florida natives who are serious doll collectors keep their treasures behind glass and only take them out to clean the cabinet or give an interested guest a closer look. Sometimes people find great buys that are not in excellent condition. It can be very costly to take an antique to a professional restorer, so sometimes they decide to do the work themselves. Antique repair FL collectors handle on their own is usually of the cosmetic variety.

Dirty or matted wigs can be washed, if they are synthetic. Any gentle shampoo will work. Fabric softener can be used to wash wigs as well. You should not get the cap wet because it can shrink. If you do get water on it, put it back on the doll's head, and let it dry. You can cover the doll with a towel or plastic to keep the shampoo and water away from it.

It might take a tapestry needle or hatpin to comb mohair. If the wig needs an overall comb out, sectioning the hair and working on one section at a time may be necessary. Very fine wigs can be combed with a flea comb. Some collectors like to use pet combs to work with wigs. Embroidery or tapestry needles are good implements for separating and rejuvenating old curls.

Renaissance wax is great for dolls with cloudy eyes. Machine and clock oil are also effective. Composition dolls should not come in contact with vegetable oil, and keeping any oil from the other surfaces of these dolls is recommended. It can damage the paint. Nail polish is an option for dolls with cloudy eyes, but it must be done carefully.

Orvus soap is inexpensive and a great way to clean bisque dolls. You can find it in feed stores and tack supply houses. Using Renaissance wax is another excellent way to clean bisque and composition dolls. This is the same wax museums use to conserve their collections. You may have to look online for a restoration supply store to get the wax, but it's worth it.

Air dry modeling compound can be used to fill in missing or damaged areas of the doll. This will work unless a doll is missing major parts, like an arm or a leg. Gourd artists like this compound because it doesn't shrink. You should be able to find it at art supply stores, especially the ones frequented by gourd artists.

Any restoration raises ethical questions if you decide to sell, but none more so than painting. If you have to paint a restored section of a doll, you should put a barrier under it before you begin. That way your painting won't permanently alter the doll. You should use as little paint as possible when attempting this.

For people who love antique dolls, finding one tucked away in a shop or at a show, is always a treat. They don't have to be perfect either. Learning simple restoration techniques can bring an old doll back to life.

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