Learn How To Perform Tree Fertilization Madison NJ

By Richard Edwards

One of the reasons of tree and shrub fertilization is to bolster their health to prepare them to fight diseases, environmental stresses, and pests in a better way. Fertilizer may not solve all the issues faced by trees, but it goes a long way in providing them with a fighting chance. If they perform tree fertilization Madison NJ inhabitants will have healthy trees.

Ideally, you should apply fertilizer to growing trees all through the year. However, after the trees get older, you need to fertilize them a little bit differently. It is advisable to use nitrogen-based fertilizers during the growing season. Apply them during the early spring season and the summer season.

A few light fertilizer applications are preferred as the trees get older to the point where they need minimal fertilizer. You can also perform a soil test to determine the amounts of phosphorous and potassium in the soil. Read the label to ensure proper application rates and ratios of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium for trees.

Knowing when to fertilize trees is critical. The best time to fertilize trees is from fall to the mid-spring season. During this period, the roots of the trees take nutrients from the soil and apply them to essential health-promoting functions like disease resistance, and root development, instead of just putting out new growth. During the growing season, fertilization can help trees fight off infections and overcome mineral deficiencies.

The purpose of tree fertilization is to place the nutrients where they can be efficiently absorbed by the roots. Therefore, you should place the fertilizer in a way that allows it to reach the entire root system. Bear in mind that the root system often extends beyond the area where the branches reach. You should also fertilize the roots of plants, which may be competing with your trees for nutrients.

You may use either inorganic or organic fertilizers. Organic fertilizers are derived from plant and animal matter. Organic fertilizers release nutrients in the soil at a slower rate because they have to decompose first. They are easy on plant roots, but it takes longer for them to be effective. It is also harder to find organic fertilizers than it is to find inorganic fertilizers. Some organic fertilizers are also costly. Nonetheless, organic fertilizers are less exacting and their chances of harming plants in minimal. Some of the best organic fertilizers include chicken litter, cottonseed meal, manure and bone meal.

Inorganic fertilizers are cost-effective and popularly used or fertilizing trees. The sources of inorganic nitrogen include ammonium sulfate, ammonium nitrate, and sodium nitrate. General-purpose inorganic fertilizers come complete with nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium. Inorganic fertilizers are also available in liquid, slow-release or water soluble for foliar application. The application rates are usually indicated on the label.

Fertilizing trees is a good way to ensure that they thrive. Although you can perform tree fertilization on your own, hiring a professional to carry out this task is advisable. Professionals know the most effective fertilizers and the best ways to use them. For example, these professionals may inject liquid fertilizer deep inside the soil so that the roots can absorb them more efficiently.

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