When an individual decides to acquire a cat for a pet, it can often be hard to determine whether to acquire a kitten, tom cat or a larger breed. Most felines which are house pets are mixed-breeds. Although, there are some full breeds such as Bengal and Leopards which are considered to be exotic by those breeding exotic cats Nebraska.
Bengals are often popular because of tiger like size and appearance. While this is the case, there are many other reasons people desire to own this breed though most often it is because of their tender loving nature. At the same time, it is important to note that these cats need a great deal of space to roam, run and play.
If the high energy level, intelligence and independent nature are acceptable, then these exotic pets are often a good choice. It should be noted that unlike typical house cats, Bengals love to play and swim in water. As such, if there is a pond or family pool, it is likely the cat will be found sloshing around from time to time.
While not as plentiful as other breeds, there are still breeders which are providing these kittens upon request. At the same time, breeders are few and far between so it can often take multiple attempts at finding a credible or reputable breeder. As such, it can often take some time from requesting a kitten to taking delivery.
If lucky enough to find a credible breeder, it is important to know that there are two types of Bengals. These include early generation and late generation cats. While there is little difference in appearance, it should be noted that early generation cats often hold on to more of their wild characteristics.
When selecting a Bengal kitten, it is important to look for specific markings to assure one is acquiring a full breed early or late generation. In doing so, potential owners can look for the spotted or rose like markings along with background colors which tend to range between a golden hue, white, cream or light blue. When it comes background fur, blue and cream colored cats are often considered the most rare of the breed.
It is often recommended that those looking to acquire any type of pet study up on different breeds. For, there are often great differences in behavior and personalities based on the ancestry of the animal. In addition, it is important to know whether the animal will be kept inside or outside the home. For, if living in areas prone to cougars, lynxes and other wildlife, it can be easy for an exotic pet to be mistaken for one of these other animals, thus putting the pet in danger.
When considering obtaining a kitten from a breeder in Nebraska, it is important to know local requirements. First, is that a kitten must be thirteen weeks of age before adoption and delivery can take place. While not a state law, it is a condition set by the International Cat Association. During this time, the breeder is required to nourish the kitten on solid food, provide litter training, de-worm and vaccinate in order to prepare the kitten for delivery.
Bengals are often popular because of tiger like size and appearance. While this is the case, there are many other reasons people desire to own this breed though most often it is because of their tender loving nature. At the same time, it is important to note that these cats need a great deal of space to roam, run and play.
If the high energy level, intelligence and independent nature are acceptable, then these exotic pets are often a good choice. It should be noted that unlike typical house cats, Bengals love to play and swim in water. As such, if there is a pond or family pool, it is likely the cat will be found sloshing around from time to time.
While not as plentiful as other breeds, there are still breeders which are providing these kittens upon request. At the same time, breeders are few and far between so it can often take multiple attempts at finding a credible or reputable breeder. As such, it can often take some time from requesting a kitten to taking delivery.
If lucky enough to find a credible breeder, it is important to know that there are two types of Bengals. These include early generation and late generation cats. While there is little difference in appearance, it should be noted that early generation cats often hold on to more of their wild characteristics.
When selecting a Bengal kitten, it is important to look for specific markings to assure one is acquiring a full breed early or late generation. In doing so, potential owners can look for the spotted or rose like markings along with background colors which tend to range between a golden hue, white, cream or light blue. When it comes background fur, blue and cream colored cats are often considered the most rare of the breed.
It is often recommended that those looking to acquire any type of pet study up on different breeds. For, there are often great differences in behavior and personalities based on the ancestry of the animal. In addition, it is important to know whether the animal will be kept inside or outside the home. For, if living in areas prone to cougars, lynxes and other wildlife, it can be easy for an exotic pet to be mistaken for one of these other animals, thus putting the pet in danger.
When considering obtaining a kitten from a breeder in Nebraska, it is important to know local requirements. First, is that a kitten must be thirteen weeks of age before adoption and delivery can take place. While not a state law, it is a condition set by the International Cat Association. During this time, the breeder is required to nourish the kitten on solid food, provide litter training, de-worm and vaccinate in order to prepare the kitten for delivery.
About the Author:
When you are looking for information about breeding exotic cats Nebraska residents can come to our web pages today. More details are available at http://www.spotted-treasures.com/about-me-2 now.