How Puppy Training Edmonton Can Be Successful

By Raymond Hughes

Most people will agree that puppies are simply irresistible. Many people realize that you can't take a puppy home with you because they need to be cared for. You need to treat it like your own child, especially in the beginning. If you are going away, things become complicated. Puppy training Edmonton is essential when you are faced with this situation.

Puppies are just like children because they will absorb information in the early stages. They are hungry to learn and they are very curious. They also need to be disciplined. It is hard work to train a little dog, but you will find that this stage goes quickly. It doesn't drag on into the terrible two's. Soon your hard work will pay off.

It can be frustrating when a dog has not been trained properly. You will be exhausted and it can be draining. A dog should know the boundaries. Animals are intelligent, but they need to know right from wrong. It is the same as educating a child. If a child doesn't learn the rules, then they are also going to run wild. A person should know this.

While it may seem like hard work to train your puppy, you will also find that this is not something that goes on forever, like that of a child. You need to put in the effort initially, but once you have taught him to be house trained and how to follow the basic commands, your job is done. Of course, you need to repeat these commands.

You would have been glad that you have gone through this training phase when you have a dog that is well behaved. A well behaved dog is a dream come true. A dog like this is a pleasure to be around and he or she will also have a better relationship with you. They will respect you. They will listen to you, and they will appreciate the boundaries you have set.

It is not necessary to begin the training at day one. Some people are challenging and a little pushy. There is a fine line, and one must remember that this is a family dog which is also a friend. It is not a police dog that you are training. If you are too strict, there can be problems as well. It may become overprotective. The secret is to find the balance.

In the beginning, you need to be assertive, but it is important not to go over the top. If the puppy has made a mistake and made a puddle inside, you need to raise your voice so he knows he has done the wrong thing. However, it would be the wrong approach to be forceful and use physical action.

Everyone in the family needs to work together during this phase of a dog's life. It is no good when children spoil them with love and affection should they be misbehaving, but you are more assertive. The family should be consistent and be on the same page. You can then be sure that you are going to have a good relationship with him as he grows up.

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