Qualifying For Stem Cell Rejuvenation Therapy

By Steven Cook

Suffering any kind of illness or impairment to your skeletal system can be devastating to your everyday normal routine. You may struggle with getting out of bed, taking a shower, or even putting on your own clothing without needing pain relief or help from someone else. Even more, your physician until recently might have had few options for treating your pain and stiffness. You may have become almost entirely reliant on over-the-counter or prescription pain relievers. Now, however, doctors in orthopedic medicine can relieve pain and help patients more with treatments like stem cell rejuvenation therapy.

The premise of this treatment involves the use of cells that come directly from a patient's own body. The materials used do not come from donor tissue nor are they synthetic or mass produced. A blood draw will be taken from your arm or hip bone prior to the treatment getting underway. This draw will then be put through a process that removes the cells from the blood.

These cells are then injected into the patient's body in the area where improvement is most needed. These areas can include the spine or vertebrae as well as knees, ankles, shoulders, and skin tissue. The injections are minimally painful and rarely cause complications because the material being used comes from the patient's own body.

To relieve your distress, the doctor doing the procedure may numb the area first with a gel or ointment. Once you are numb, you may then receive anywhere from one to three or four injections of cells combined with saline solution or steroid medication. You will stay in the operating room or doctor's office for an hour or less to make sure you do not have any complications to your recovery.

As ideal as this procedure can be for many patients, it is not indicated for many others including pregnant or nursing women. Women in any stage of pregnancy or a mother who is breastfeeding cannot undergo the treatment safely. She must wait until she has weaned her infant or has given birth before she can get the injections.

Likewise, patients are required not to suffer from underlying conditions that could complicate their recoveries. These conditions range from high blood pressure to heart disease and diabetes as well as bleeding disorders like hemophilia. If you have these illnesses, you may be denied for treatment and instead advised to consider other procedures.

This overall good health extends to your mental and emotional capacities as well. It is likely that you will be totally cured with the injections. You may notice rapid improvement in the range of motion you have as well as the amount of pain you experience each day. Still, you will continue to suffer from conditions like MS or osteoarthritis despite the procedure. Your physician will expect you to acknowledge this fact before approving you for treatment.

However, when you want to feel better than you do now without relying on medication, you might ask your physician about stem cell injections. This therapy may be your best alternative to moving around better each day without needing help. You also could avoid having to go through invasive surgery that is painful and time consuming from which to recover.

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