Tips For Preparing Your Home For Termite Inspection Orland Park IL

By Martha Perry

No homeowner loves having to deal with a home infestation. However, having an occasional outbreak is often inevitable in certain places. One kind of infestation that can give you a headache is infestation by termites. Luckily, you can find out whether your home is infested and take measures to safeguard it by asking for a termite inspection Orland Park IL.

For the success of the inspection exercise, you will have to make a few advance preparations in your home. Burrowing termites are known to be the most damaging to homes. This is attributed to the fact that they build their nests in locations that are difficult to spot at first glance. The saving grace is that trained inspectors usually know exactly what to do to pry elusive pests out of their hiding spots.

Your first step in preparation should be to get obstructive items out of the way. For example, a large furniture piece may obstruct an inspector from accessing areas that are out of plain sight. Pests have an innate penchant for hiding in areas that are insufficiently illuminated. Such areas include wall interiors, cabinet rears, basements and attics.

Other crucial areas to focus your clearance effort on include the bathroom, kitchen sink and crawlspaces. Doing away with these obstacles will give the team the latitude to complete the job faster, meaning your family will not be out for long. A large percentage of Illinois based homes are built on raised platforms. In such cases, accessibility to the platforms may be requested.

Trimming the trees and bushes outside your house is important too. If you want to maintain the aesthetics of the compound, you might want to hire experts at tree pruning. Trimming is important as pests also occasionally find cover in bushes and plants that encroach onto exterior walls. Once cleared, inspectors are bound to have an easy time doing their work.

Once the team arrives, ensure you rein in on your pets if you own any. Pets such as dogs naturally get agitated whenever strangers set foot in the compound. They are likely to intimidate the team and cause the inspectors to work hurriedly, thereby overlooking certain areas. Ensure your pets are kept on a leash or confined in cages as the exercise goes on. If your neighbors are friendly, you may request them to take in your pets as the exercise gets underway.

One other important thing to do is inform your family and others living around you of the exercise. Assuming your home is deemed infested, you are certain to be required to vacate it for a short while. In the meantime, fumigation may be performed on it. Nevertheless, licensing is always a requirement for all fumigation exercises. Letting your neighbors know what is about to happen will help them safeguard their pets against straying into the toxic area as the exercise gets underway.

Finally, make sure you hire a reputable company. It should be duly licensed to offer the service. Furthermore, it ought to have all the equipment for inspecting and carrying out subsequent fumigation on the property.

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