Count On A Custom-Built Radon Mitigation Will County System To Clear The Air In Your Home

By Pamela Ellis

As all responsible homeowners know, serious residential repair problems are best left to professionals. One such critical problem is fixing elevated levels of radon. As the leading cause of lung cancer among non-smokers, radon has no place in the air your family breathes. It's present everywhere, occurring naturally from the decay of radioactive elements in the soil, rock, and water. If high amounts of radon have been discovered in your residence, it's time to call in the experts for a Radon Mitigation Will County system built to your home's specifications.

"Don't forget the umbrella.""Does everybody have a hat? "I hope we have enough sunscreen." "What happened to my sunglasses?""I wish I brought a long-sleeved shirt." In case you haven't already noticed, the common theme in this dialog is the protection that everyone needs from the sun's powerful rays.

Because gas cannot be perceived by human senses and levels, fluctuate naturally, the only way to determine its presence and level of concentration is through testing over a period of days. A high concentration of the gas warrants gas prevention to reduce and maintain gas levels at safe concentrations, typically by preventing the gas from entering the space by drawing it away from the subsurface of the building.

Radon Exposure- Radon gas causes cancer too, but people aren't as careful or concerned about gas exposure as they are about overexposure to the sun. So what makes people more careful about UV exposure than they are about gas exposure? The answer probably has something to do with the sun's ability to cause immediate discomfort. We can't see ultraviolet light, but its harmful effects can be felt quickly if we get sunburned or have to walk barefoot over the solar-heated pavement.

To reduce gas levels in homes with crawlspaces, sub-membrane depressurization is the preferred process. Like sub-slab suction, but without an actual slab, this technique needs putting up a gas proof barrier over the whole vent system. The gas is then pushed out in style similar to homes with slabs and vented to the outside, where it dissipates and becomes innocuous.

One of an essential items needed to make your passive gas system active is the electric blower fan. Running electricity to the attic to connect the fan is rarely done as part of a passive gas system. The size of the blower fan could vary depending on what kind of material is under the concrete. Once connected to the PVC pipe it will now suck or blow the gas gas out from below the foundation out through the vent pipe and away from your home.

If you are a visual person imagine the PVC pipe as a giant straw running through your house to the gravel below the foundation. The gravel stones are like ice cubes in a drink. The blower fan is sucking up the harmful gas gas from between these stones like the liquid of a drink. Now your passive gas system is active and does suck but in a good way.

But protection against cancer-causing radiation is even more important in your house than it is on the beach. And once a gas system is installed, it provides effective protection against gas exposure for years with very little maintenance. The only moving part of a gas abatement system is an exhaust fan that costs less to run every month than a tube of your best sunscreen.

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