Inspect New House Before Moving In With The Bed Bug Dog MA

By Cynthia Collins

Bed bugs are known to appreciate an untidy habitat, but the correlation between the two has only ever proven to be indirect. The advantage that bed bug dog MA have is that they are agile enough to hunt out the parasites in hard to reach places that humans cannot reach such as crevices and gaps in between furniture or walls.

Bed bugs are serious business, no doubt. They are expensive to eradicate, they cause all sorts of sleep deprivation that can lead to a host of issues making the victims feel crazy. After all, they attack you when you are most vulnerable and sleeping - what a nightmare!

Whereas a human inspector may need to strip a building bare or even destroy walls in order to locate an infestation, a dog is able to identify problem areas without these limitations. The dog can smell bugs that are inside of the walls, under carpets and in other hard-to-reach places.

A number of factors contribute to pest resistance one of which is the pest's exposure to natural toxins for a long period of time. Another reason is that pests produce large numbers of offspring increasing the probability of random mutations. This allows the number of resistant mutants to rapidly build up. Because the insects are difficult to kill you have to use a range of techniques and treatments.

All bed bug dogs go through up to 1,000 hours of rigorous training. The training methods are similar to those used by dog trainers for bomb or drug dogs. The bed bug dog is taught the scent of the bug and rewarded when he finds one. Once at work, the dog will alert his handler any time a bug is scented.

They are also extremely thin and can slip through areas as thin as a credit card. Because of this ability, it's possible to have a bed bug infestation and not even know it. Some telltale signs of bed bugs, such as blood stains, bites, and black fecal stains, may not be present. Therefore, if you think you may have bed bugs, the best way to confirm your suspicions is through a K9 inspection.

To the rescue of humans in so many varied spaces come these valiant dogs that are fed only after they find the pesky elusive bed bugs. The handlers of these well trained dogs claim that is the best way to keep them motivated on their jobs.

Developing an expertise in both dog training and bed bug identification seem to be convergent interests and yet once you have mastered these pursuits monetizing them can be incredibly easy in this day and age. With a rash of bed bug infestations every day there is an increasing reason for these sorts of services to pop up in any and all major cities.

Bed bug infestation is a critical difficulty since the pests are resistant to many accessible insecticides and will survive varying conditions. The creatures' breeding environments and eggs are lodged in dim cracks or are often at bedding seams which make it very tricky to spot. Adult bed bugs are also difficult to see given their size and activities.

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