The Benefits Of Hiring HVAC Professional To Maintain Your Air Conditioner Naples

By Denise Sanchez

The hurricane season runs from June to November in Naples, Florida and the rest of the country. The latest hurricane to inflict this region was Hurricane Matthew, which was long lived, powerful and deadly. It was a category 5 Atlantic hurricane that brought widespread destruction and loss of life. It is important to prepare your home and your air conditioner to weather such a storm. In order to protect their air conditioner Naples residents should use the following AC service tips before a hurricane strikes their homes.

Homeowners can protect their air conditioners against the lightening and power surges caused by storms by maintaining their AC units properly. When air conditioning firms in Broward County are maintaining air conditioners, they make sure that the units are draining as they should. In stormy weather, high condensation can happen and it can cause drainage backups, system shut down and potential water damage if the shut off switches are malfunctioning.

You should also switch off your AC before a storm to prevent potential damage. During storms, you can experience discomfort due to heat and humidity, but it is much better to endure this discomfort rather than end up replacing a damaged unit. You can switch off the unit at the thermostat, but if you want to ensure that it is fully protected during a severe storm, you should switch it off at the breaker. Removing a window unit is advisable because this will ensure that it does not get airborne or loose.

Securing an outdoor unit can also play a part in keeping it safe during severe storms. The unit should be installed on a concrete slab and bolted with hurricane straps to the slab. In this way, the AC unit will not be lifted into the air during a storm.

Property owners should also take some measures to ensure that the electrical components of the air conditioner do not get damaged. Hurricanes often cause power surges, which can damage the important electrical components of air conditioners. Homeowners can protect their AC units by installing surge protectors and turn them off before storms arrive.

Hurricanes cause damage when they throw objects into other objects. Therefore, even if your AC unit is secured properly, it can be damaged by airborne objects during storms. Before a storm arrives, cover your AC unit with a homemade wood structure or tarpaulin sheet to keep objects from hitting it.

After the storm passes, you should inspect the air conditioner before turning it on to make sure that all is well. It is important to check if the AC unit was under water at any particular time, remove the tarpaulin sheet and check if there are any signs of damage to the unit. You should also check if there is any damage to the electrical lines running from the unit. Removing any debris that may have accumulated around the unit is also essential.

It is also essential to hire a professional to inspect your air conditioner, especially if there are signs of a problem. Ensure that the professional is competent. If your air conditioning unit has sustained any damage, a professional who offers HVAC services in Naples FL will fix it.

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