Avoid The Common Mistakes When Opting For The Best Rated Central Vacuum Systems

By Ann Baker

If you do not have a central vacuum system in your house, you may be like many of us who lug the traditional vacuum up and down stairs to complete this tedious chore. Worse yet, may be you have only one model that you store in an overstuffed closet and when you have to pull it out of the closet, you are required to rearrange the entire contents of your closet. When you finally dislodge the unit from the closet, plug it in, assemble the necessary attachments and start to clean; you, in what can feel like minutes, only have to move it to another room to finish. Reduce the hassle of the process by installing one of the best rated central vacuum systems in your house.

Reduce dust and allergens. It is common knowledge that vacuuming reduces the amount of dust in your house. In dust live mites that are a common cause to allergies and asthma. Not only will you be more likely to do the chore of vacuuming more often with a VC system but a traditional VC will discharge the dust back into the air in your home. One major advantage of a central system is that it removes this dust from your living area by expelling the dust to the outside.

However, both companies have different ratings because each unit is rated for two different homes with varied square footage. One company may rate their unit for a 3,000 square foot house while the other company rated their unit for a 5,000 square foot house. A rule of thumb is simply that you can never have too much power.

Passive Selection. Another mistake when selecting a system is that although a homeowner has wisely chosen to install it with all of their other brand new appliances in their newly built home, homeowners rely solely on their builders to determine from whom to purchase the system. Homeowners should instead select a manufacture who has agreed to install and service the system. Purchased in this manner, the homeowner will have a system installed by an expert in the vacuum business and know who to contact should the system need to be serviced or repaired.

Due to the fact that the motor of a central vac system is located in a service area of the residence, typically an attic, basement or garage, there is little noise in the living areas of the residence when the system is being operated. This is in contrast to a mobile vacuum where the motor is operating in the room where you are vacuuming.

Another great advantage is that the units are built to last 20 years or more, a lot longer than a traditional one that may only last a couple years. If you are throwing away an old model every couple of years, you are contributing to the landfills, which are already exceeding capacity.

Further, many of the new models are available bag-less which not only means that you could no longer have to change the bag in the system but that you will help save tress (that are used to make the bags) and further reduce your impact to our landfills.

There are many more reasons to own a central vacuum system but these few reasons alone make a compelling argument to ditch our traditional ones.

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